Fueling in Arvin. Hard working truck drives and gas station attendant wheeling oil sorb. In the age of eCommerce trucking and its related enterprises are very important. Even without eCommerce not enough credit is given to the truckers who drive tirelessly (often by the mile now as independent contractors) to deliver necessaries across this country.
Sunnier weather today in Arvin. This particular TA center features an Iron Skillet, general store, trucker medical clearance center, gem dealer, Baskins and Robbins, a Wendy's, laundry mat, showers for customers, and a good shoe shine guy who shined my shoes while I read my e-mails.
Otherwise, just a fun packed day of witness depositions in a five plaintiff sexual harassment lawsuit. This is one of those cases where there are many convenient memories, many employees spilling the beans and saying they are afraid of retaliation, and overall scandalous facts implicating multiple levels of management.