

HomepageBakersfield Employment Lawyer Since 1993. | Call 661-412-9600 | We specifically represent employees only with employment law | No upfront fees.
32 Bakersfield Courthouse Built 1876See the Bakersfield courthouse from 1876 brought to you by the Employment Lawyers Group Offices on South Business Park in Bakersfield Your Employee Lawyers
AgediscriminationlawyerExperienced age discrimination lawyers know how to prove age discrimination call 661-412-9600 to start your case without any up front fees or costs we win
Ann GuleserAnn Guleser has represented employees for over 20 years published cases about sexual harassment, unpaid wages, employee reimbursements, wrongful termination
ArvinemployeelawyerArvin employent lawyer for unpaid wages, class actions, PAGA, wrongful job termination, and sexual harassment, work injuries
BakersfieldemployeelawyerBest employee lawyers without up front fees or costs for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, unpaid wages
BakersfieldhospitalworkerEmployee lawyers for Bakersfield hospital workers unpaid wages, unlawful discharge, no up front fees or costs since 1993
BakersfieldlaborattorneysueyourjobSue for unpaid wages, sexual harassment, FMLA leave, pregnancy discrimination, maternity leave, wrongful termination
BakersfieldlaborlawyerEmployee lawyers for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, unpaid wages, Kern County bad employers get sued
BakersfieldlawyerBakersfield employee lawyer to settle your case for unpaid wages, sexual harassment, fired for medical condition
BakersfieldmealbreaklawyerEmployee lawyers without up front fees or costs to sue for meal breaks, unpaid wages. You may be entitled to overtime pay.
BakersfieldoncallpaylawAre you owed an hourly rate for each hour you are on call? Call 661-412-9600 for your California overtime rights
BakersfieldovertimelawyerBakersfield overtime lawyer for agricultural and oil industry workers not paid no up front fees or costs since 1993
BakersfieldprevailingwagelawyerBakersfield prevailing wage lawyer for construction workers on government job sites. High win rate since 1993.
BakersfieldrestbreaklawyerLawyer to sue for unpaid meal and rest breaks. 1 hour of pay may be due for each missed rest break. No up front fee or costs since 1993.
BakersfieldsexualharassmentlawyerSue for sexual harassment, sexual assault, nasty comments, obscene texxt messages without any upfront fees or costs
BakersfieldwageandhourlawyerWage and hour lawyer to recover California overtime, meal break pay and wages. Lawyers without upfront fees or costs
BakersfieldworkinjuryLawyer for work accidents in Bakersfield no up front fees or costs back injury, brain injury, work stress, serious accidents
BakersfieldworklawyerEmployee lawyers without up front fees or costs for FMLA, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, unpaid wages
Bakersfieldwrongfulterminationlawyerwrongful termination law firm since 1993 for employees high win rate and no up front fee or costs whistle blower cases
BestsexualharassmentlawyerBest local sexual harassers in Bakersfield with main office in Los Angeles for all forms of workplace sexual harassment
Case ResultsCase results from a top Bakersfield Sexual Harassment Employment Lawyer. Employment Lawyers Group in Bakersfield takes on Big Employers.
CissclassactionCI Security Specialists (CISS) special event worker lawsuit for unpaid wages, late checks, travel expenses, meal breaks, rest breaks, overtime and hours unpaid.
ContactBakersfield Employment Lawyer Since 1993. | Call 661-412-9600 | We specifically represent employees only with employment law | No upfront fees.
ControlledstandbycaseEmployee lawyer who fights for controlled standby and lost wages since 1993
Covid 19workerbenefitsGet worker benefits for Covid-19 infection within 14 days of being at work, worker Benefits Covid-19 Sickness lawyer
CovidprisonworkerPrison employee lawyer for Covid-19 infections and work diseases in Kern County since 1993 get disability pay & medical help
Disability Discrimination At WorkWe know Job Discrimination Laws because we are your Bakersfield employment lawyers fighting labor law rights in Kern
Disability Discrimination
DiscriminationFirm founder has fought employee arbitration since the 1990's. The California appellate court has published two of his winning employment arbitration appeals
Emp Lawyer BakersfieldWe only represent employees. All employee lawsuits are taken on a contingency which means we are only paid when and if we collect money from the employer.
EmployeeattorneyinbakersfieldLocal employee attorney for wrongfultermination, sexual harassment and unpaid wages since 1993. High Win Rate.
EmployeelawyerEmployee lawyers without up front fees or costs for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, unpaid wages, FMLA
EmployeepregnancylawyersContact us if you have a question about whether you are owed overtime, double time, commissions, wages, bonus pay, or pay for meal or rest breaks.
Employment ArbitrationBakersfield Arbitration Attorney for worker rights since 1993. Call us at 877 525 0700. Sexual harassment, unpaid wages
Employment ContractsLawyer for breached employment agreement for a set term, unpaid wages, bonus, stock, commissions, no notice and fired
Employment FraudIf you have been a victim of fraud working for a company, or you felt threatened reporting illegal something call us
Employment Law BlogBakersfield Labor Law News | Workplace Harassment News Blog written by top California Employment Lawyer Karl Gerber
FarmworkersovertimeCalifornia farm workers, like other California nonexempt employees, are now entitled to overtime for every hour worked more than eight in a day
FiredforreligionEmployee lawyer for workplace religious discrimination, not accommodated or fired from job
FmlalawyerMedical leaves of absence from work may trigger different laws including FMLA, disability, maternity leave, and workers compensation contact our FMLA Attorneys.
Hoffman Hospice Not Minimum Wage For Standby TimeEmployees should be paid for waiting to be called into work if the time spent for the employer’s benefit and not their own, and they could be disciplined for refusing the call into work
HourlywagewrongLocal wage lawyer to sue because bonus pay not included in regular rate of pay or overtime pay
Independent ContractorIf you feel that you have experienced harassment or discrimination in the workplace because you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or transvestite, you may be entitled to compensation.
Introduction To California Prevailing Wage LawFind out when prevailing wage applies and sue for unpaid prevailing wages
JoblawyerOur job lawyers are more likely to get you results in your employment lawsuit than many other employee law firms. Our law firm only represents employees.
Karl GerberWorkplace employment lawyer Bakersfield since 1993 for employee rights sexual harassment, unpaid wages, wrongful termination, FMLA, disability, pregnancy law.
Leaves Of AbsenceMany employers don't understand the law when it comes to employee leaves. If your employer denies your request to go on leave or retaliates against you for taking leave, you may be entitled to compensation.
Lebeclaborlawyerlocal employee lawyers for whistleblowers and employer owed wages since 1993
LocallaborlawyerLabor lawyer for construction worker wages, injuries, wrongful termination, meal and rest break violations to sue
LunchbreaklawOffices in Bakersfield, Sherman Oaks, Downtown Los Angeles, Torrance, Oxnard, Tustin, Riverside, and Ontario. Call 661-412-9600
MealbreaklawyerWe only represent employees. All of our employee lawsuits are taken on a contingency which means we are only paid when and if we collect money from the employer.
OilfieldworkerlawEmployee lawyer for Kern County oil field workers no up front fees or costs since 1993
OncallpaylawyerMinimum wage and overtime must be paid if employees are on call. Reporting time pay may also be required. Learn your rights.
Other California LocationsCalifornia employee attorney local offices for your labor law needs wrongful termination, sexual harassment, wage theft, overtime, standby pay, FMLA, disability
OvertimeexemptionsOvertime exemption rules and the value of overtime lawsuits discussed in this article
OvertimelawyerContact us if you have a question about whether you are owed overtime, double time, commissions, wages, bonus pay, or pay for meal or rest breaks.
RacediscriminationlawyerGet a race discrimination lawyer to sue for racism in the workplace. No up front fees or costs with a high win rate since 1993.
ReviewsHighly rated, established employee law firm for unpaid wages, sexual harassment, wrongful job terminations violating FMLA, disability, pregnancy rights
Sears In Bakersfield Does Not Pay Overtime If You Work Past MidnightSue Retail Stores For Overtime Pay, Meal Breaks, Rest Breaks
Sexual HarassmentIt is unlawful to harass an employee because of their sex, California Government Code Section 12940(j)(1). Sexually harassing behavior includes:
Sexual Orientation HarassmentEmployee lawyers for harassment, discrimination in the workplace for gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans workers (LGBT+) wrongful termination or sexual harassment
SexualharassmentattorneyinbakersfieldBakersfield sexual harassment law firm with offices in Los Angeles fighting for sexual harassment victims in Kern County
SitemapBakersfield Employment Lawyer Since 1993. | Call 661-412-9600 | We specifically represent employees only with employment law | No upfront fees.
SueforsexualharassmentIf you are experiencing problems in the workplace with Sexual Harassment - Call Us 661-412-9600 verbal, physical, texts
Unpaid WagesContact us if you have a question about whether you are owed overtime, double time, commissions, wages, bonus pay, or pay for meal or rest breaks.
WageandhourEmployee wage lawyers to sue employer class action, group lawsuits, PAGA, unpaid wages, overtime, prevailing wage
WageandhourlawyerEmployee wage lawyer for employee class actions and group lawsuits for unpaid wages
WageclaimlawyerWage and labor attorney near me to sue employer not paying overtime, sue job refusing to pay class action or one person
Wagelawsuit Patriotenvironmentala class action against Patriot Environmental to recover unpaid wages and related penalties because Plaintiffs were on restricted standby otherwise known as on-call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but were not paid for every hour they made themselves available to work for Defendant while they were on restricted on-call.
WhisteblowerattorneyAttorney to sue employer for wrongful termination after complaining of illegal conduct, discrimination, unpaid wages
Whistle BlowerWhistle blowing in the work environment, especially the healthcare field has become an issue, resulting in the termination of some individuals. Contact an experienced Bakersfield employment attorney today.
WhistleblowerattorneyExperienced California whistle blower law firm sues employers without any up front fees or costs since 1993 with offices throughout California
WhistleblowerlawyerbakersfieldBakersfield employee lawyers represent local workers for wrongful termination, unpaid wages, and other employment problems
Work InjuryA detailed analysis must be taken whether a work injury entitles employees to leave rights for Family Medical Leave or disability causing wrongful termination
Work Laws MinorsMinors can obtain work permits from their school. How many hours a minor may work per day and per week depends on their age. Minors must be paid minimum wage.
Workdisabilitytop work disability, cancer, FMLA lawyer for job terminations, harassment, work injuries to sue employer since 1993
WorklawyerWork lawyers for employees who are only paid when and if they win. In business since 1993 with offices in Bakersfield and all over California.
WorklawyerinbakersfieldKarl Gerber of The Employment Lawyers Group serves Bakersfield and all of Kern County with 30 years of experience.
Wrongful TerminationIf you have been wrongfully terminated, or excused due to unhealthy work environments we can help you with your case. Contact an experienced Bakersfield employment attorney today. Serving All Of Kern County Including: Arvin, Bakersfield, Lebec, Mojave, Ridgecrest, Taft, And Wasco.
WrongfullyterminatedWrongful termination of employment lawyer to sue employer whistle blowers, fired for medical leave, sexual harassment
WrongfulterminationContact us if you have a question about whether you are owed overtime, double time, commissions, wages, bonus pay, or pay for meal or rest breaks.



Serving All Of Kern County Including:

Arvin, Bakersfield, Lebec, Mojave,
Ridgecrest, Taft, Wasco and Delano.


To contact a labor lawyer, call us at 661-412-9600 .