Is suing your employer the way up? Probably. Legitimate employment lawsuits can be worth a lot of money. Not always, but sometimes, the settlement or verdict can lead to the ex-employee climbing up the social ladder or changing their life.
Large settlements and verdicts can be dangerous. Just like lottery winners, some employees who win their cases might not handle their winnings wisely or try to borrow against them before they arrive.
No lawsuit, no result. Is your skin thick enough to test
For many, the 99 is the route to Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield. Get off on California Avenue, go past Bakersfield high, and continue on to downtown Bakersfield across from Kern County Superior Court.
Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield has taken on many of the large oil companies and health care institutes in the area.
The new trendy chairs in the, "Board Room" of the Bakersfield office. Yes, that's my water, coffee, and target bag. I bring food, hot, and cold beverages into a day of depositions I am taking.
I have found this is a good place to meet a client for a meal. It is about four blocks from my Bakersfield office, also on Truxtun. This restaurant is not too noisy, can be semi-private, and the lighting is decent.
Sometimes it is important to just sit and listen to what the client has to say for an extended period time. Under these circumstances I learn a lot of the client's prospective. I also learn what is needed to prove the case. Finally, listening to the client's emphasis often reveals the theme of the case. Having a theme is very important in trial.
Back end of the Haberfeld Building on 17th Street in downtown Bakersfield, in back of Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield. The Haberfeld Building was built either in 1924, 1927, or 1928 depending on which source you look at. It is a 5 story building that at one time may have been the tallest right underneath the Padre.
Today was a busy day at the Bakersfield office. I took a deposition in a controlled standby case, another in a wrongful termination lawsuit, and signed up a healthcare whistleblower.
This is the outside of the Kern County Superior Court. The building is located in downtown Bakersfield across the street from our law office. There are three civil court rooms inside that hear employment related lawsuits.
Our employee lawyers have handled quite a few separate lawsuits out of the Superior Court in Bakersfield. We even had a class action here last year that settled.
Employee lawsuits might also end up in Federal Court, or binding arbitration.
For more information on Kern County employee lawsuits contact our office at 661-412-9600.
A touch of Mid-Century exotica in downtown Bakersfield, not too many steps from my Bakersfield office. I think they should restore the Rice Bowl site to its original Mid-Century glory. Hipsters from LA will come up to see the little gem.
This is a small break out conference room in Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield, we in mediations. During mediation it is often necessary for the mediator to privately speak to counsel. A small room like this can be used. In multi-plaintiff cases, such as one we had here last week, the mediator may want to individually talk to a plaintiff.
If you have any questions about mediation, or employee labor law please contact me at 1-661-412-9600
Lobby Area of the Bakersfield Office
This building is in the back of our Bakersfield office. Inside this beautiful historic downtown Bakersfield building is where I get lunch when I am here for an all day deposition or mediation. Try their chocolate cake, or order a cup of coffee next time you visit our Bakersfield office!
#employeelawyerBakersfield #Locallaborlawyer
Happy Holidays from The Truxtun Tower! Wishing all my clients, colleagues, and opposing counsel safe and Happy Holidays.
Bakersfield case results this month include $195,000 for a whistleblower and $174,250 for missed meal breaks. Thanks for letting me serve you all you 661ers!
#Bakersfieldlaborlawyer #661areacodelaborlawyer
Tonight the 5 freeway was closed from Santa Clarita to the 99. This 24 closure is due to flooding and mudslides the likes I don't recall seeing before.
If you are an employee stuck due to these road conditions you may be entitled to pay for time spent waiting. Seriously though I am glad three depositions were cancelled today that would have got me stuck, without pay, in this traffic mess.
#GrapevineLawyer #5FreewayClosureGrapevine
This Dodge Power Wagon does not represent Bakersfield of 2015. I am tired of the rags on Bakersfield.
1. Kern County residents are very sophisticated. I have found the judges to be far more concerned with getting it right than a lot of the arrogant judges in Los Angeles;
2. I gave a seminar on prevailing wage last year. The attendees knew the subject matter better than the typical group attending seminars;
3. Not everybody in Bakersfield is a hick. I recently had a client very much concerned about healthy eating and reading complicated books;
4. The population is not all white; it is largely Latino;
5. Many of the salaries in Bakersfield are much higher than L.A.
#DodgePowerWagon #BakerfieldToday
If you should ever come to my Bakersfield office I can promise you will see some of the most beautiful artwork in Bakersfield. I heard the lobby art displays are courtesy of a gallery in the lobby which I understand is owned by the wife of a plaintiff's lawyer!
This picture represents what an employment case looks like to a non-employment lawyer. Rather than having a non-employment lawyer represent you from a tilted angle while trying to maintain balance on uneven terrain, hire an experienced Kern County/Los Angeles County employment law firm, the Employment Lawyers Group.
We have handled more than 1,550 separate employee lawsuits!
This is one of the most interesting pictures I have taken lately. Yes, that is a red rainbow over the Bravo Farm's location in Kettleman City just into the Fresno County line from the 5.
You might not be lucky enough to chance upon this place right after it rained, but I definitely recommend this place if you have kids or like antiques.
1. Do not drive overweight loads. If you are fired for refusing to do so it may well be wrongful termination
2. Do not let your employer falsify your log book.
3. Always read the MDF sheets for the products you are carrying.
4. Never haul hazardous wastes if you do not have a hazardous waste endorsement.
5. Do not drive longer, in a 24 hour period, than allowed by law
* Special Thanks to the Petro in Kern County Where I took This Photo
#EmploymentLaw #Truckdriverlaw
Kern County not far from Pumpkin Center. Right before sunset. Desolate except for a moving truck.
Today I finished a 4 day binding arbitration against a Bakersfield oil company. The case involved male on male sexual harassment.
Next Monday it looks like an arbitration will begin on a male-on-male sexual harassment case at one of Sturgeon's oil leases in Bakersfield. In preparing for this arbitration I uncovered many other employee lawsuits against Sturgeon. Contact me if you have any information about Sturgeon's human resource practices. Karl Gerber, Esq. 661-412-9600
Bakersfield is rapidly expanding. Proof, this busy intersection is photo enforced, uses arrows for left turns, and modern retail giants can be seen everywhere. Proof two, half the vehicles are pickup trucks and the other half are sports sedans which is really the telltale in this part of town near the corporate/law firm district/State University crossing old time Stockdale Highway.
Lebec, California just on the Kern County line. Today in Lebec I took three depositions in a pregnancy discrimination/failure to pay minimum wage restricted on-call case.
This was one of my favorite antique tractors at an antique tractor parade and show in Ventura County. This 1948 Ford apparently spent most of her life in Burbank, California. The tractor reminds me of a character out of a children's book.
Through these very doors today, on Stockdale Highway in Bakersfield, I gave a lengthy seminar on prevailing wages. Very knowledgeable city employees came from Delano, Porterville, Bakersfield, San Luis Obispo, and elsewhere.
For sit down meals in the downtown Bakersfield area this is my place. They have excellent tomato bisque soup. Even though it was 103 in downtown Bakersfield today, I still ordered a bowl.
Come to my Bakersfield Prevailing Wage Seminar on September 10, 2014. I can get you a 50% off discount.
Earn 6.5 Hours of MCLE credits and varying amounts of other continuing education credits should you be a human resource professional, or another professional desiring CCP/PFC, CC, or CPE credits!
• Wrongful Termination
• Unpaid Wages
• Work Injuries
• Sexual Harassment
Call 661-412-9600