Need to sue your employer, we're here for you. Representing employees since 1993. Office workers, medical workers, oil field workers, agricultural workers, retail workers, and all the rest.
Call now 661-412-9600
Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield
Does your employment situation look like this? Let us get you out of the horror movie you are living in, or you lived in. We sue employers for illegal job terminations, wages owed, harassment, and work injuries. Healthcare, oil, agriculture, warehouse work, whatever. We are there for serious clients with serious cases.
Take the mystery away from whether you can sue your employer and win. We have done nothing but represent employees for 30 years. We don't take every case, and those we turn down take it out on us in bad reviews, but you won't find a single bad review from an actual client. If you're ready to take the next step, get a serious law firm, and go up against your employer we want to hear from you.
Look what was lurking across from the office of ELG's architect on 17th Street in Downtown Bakersfield. I am not an expert on Firebirds, but believe this could be a 1967. What I like about this vintage Firebird is it has not been entirely modified and looks like it is a large semblance of what was running around on its chassis more than 50 years ago. If you are able to settle your case for enough maybe you will have the money to buy a restored version of this classic, or restore your favorite car whatever it is.
In all seriousness, there are times in which one’s employer must be sued. These reasons include the employee’s own sense of justice, the need to recover unpaid money, dignitary harm (emotional distress), and career damage. We have been here for you for 30 years. Although we have been around for a long time, we are not a bunch of stuffy lawyers. We like cool vehicles, and know how to joke around and talk to a jury of your peers.
This is what it’s all about:
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