Bakersfield is a diverse place with many different types of labor issues. We have only represented employees since 1993. Contact us if you need to bring a case against your employer. Our Bakersfield office is located near the Four Points Hotel. We also have an office in Sherman Oaks, California and downtown Los Angeles if you are concerned about hiring a lawyer who is too friendly with Bakersfield’s employment defense bar.
We are accepting new cases for unpaid wages, gender harassment, work injuries, and job losses due to whistleblowing, medical conditions, or age. Please let us take charge of the call, and ask the right questions. Time is very precious these days. It is important to focus on what matters. Please do not call if you are not serious about bringing a lawsuit against your employer. Finally, please be nice. We have had a lot of abusive callers who cannot accept the fact they do not have a case. We have to go with what the law allows. There are limitations.
Call now 661-412-9600 to see if you have a case.
You probably can't sue for a work prank like this, but you can sue for racial or sex related comments you don't find funny. Contact our labor lawyers to determine whether you can sue for harassment at work.
Since you’re trying to get to know us, we also want to tell you that racing to settle your employment case is not our style. Are you prepared to wait if that means 10 times more, or even 40% more? Those numbers matter when cases are worth more than $100,000. Even an additional $50,000 in your pocket is well worth your while. If you are looking for a serious employment lawyer who proves up your case and is not afraid to try the case in court you've come to the right place. If you don't have the patience to go through litigation and are looking for a fast, low ball settlement that's not our style.
Looking for an employment lawyer who will ride in on horse back and save the day? It just might be us if you were fired from your job, are owed wages, were harassed, or suffered workplace injuries. We're a pretty tough firm for employee lawsuits. We up against the biggest oil related companies in the area, and whatever other employers won't go bankrupt if we sue them.
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