We have been representing workers of the oil industry in their employment related problems since 1993. Unpaid wages, harassment, wrongful termination, Family Medical Leave, age discrimination, medical condition discrimination. We represent workers in all industries, but in Kern County do have quite a few clients in the oil industry, including office employees. Call us if you want to start a case.

Our employment lawyers know the ins and outs of working on a rig floor, and in the oil service industry. Call us at 661-412-9600 if you need to sue your employer

Floor hand pay and accident lawyers

Call now 661-412-9600

Oil field workers, do you want a lawyer who know what a rotary table is? Our law firm has represented oil field workers in most phases of the drilling, production, and oil servicing industry. Whether you got hurt locking the dog, or were on controlled standby and subject to being called at times you were not paid because you had to deliver parts or make repairs to oil field equipment, we've been there. Don't be fooled by our competition that gets caught up in all the weird oil field lingo. You've worked hard, in a dangerous industry. Get compensated if the law was violated.

oil drilling employee labor lawyer

We have represented directional drillers, members of wireline crews, cement crews, gauge and meter repair people, parts people, unit secretaries back in the office, and the list goes on. We know what mud is, BOP, casements, MWDs, LWDs, rigs, company men, traditional drilling, DOT regulations, and the list goes on.

You work in wet messes worse than this, maybe with mud that is really drilling fluid, or in agriculture where there is lots of mud in the winter and it is hot during the summer. Your employer has mistreated you. You were wrongfully terminated, not paid right. We know how it is. No Up Front Fees or Costs for hard working employees.

What it’s all about:

#employeelawyer #sueforwages #employmentlawyer #rigfloor #KernCountyworkerlawyer #wagelawyer #oilfieldinjurylawyer #oilworkerlawyer #drillingemployeeattorney


Worker Lawyer for Dangerous Oil Field Conditions

If you work on oil fields, or outdoor oil operations long enough you will see things like this.

As if oil field work wasn't already dangerous!

Not paid for missed breaksHurt on an oil fieldControlled standby pay

Call 661-412-9600 for an experienced oil worker law firm

#Arvinworklawyer #oilfieldworkerlaws


  • $875,000 for controlled standby, meal breaks, poor time keeping records
  • $350,000 for directional driller whose overtime rate did not include fixed rate bonus
  • $250,000 for 2 oil field service workers not paid all wages
  • $172,000 for 4 oil field truckers & wireline workers
*These settlements are not a guarantee nor prediction on the value of your case. The ability to win each case is different, the law can be different, and the employee’s ability to properly testify. The existence of records that prove or disprove a case also matter.