Were you fired for complaining about sub-standard work your employer wanted you to do that posed health and safety risks? That violates a building code? That is what wrongful termination is about. We're here to help good people fired by bad employers who do not want to follow the law.
Let us be your wrongful termination lawyer if you complained to your employer about something suspicious, illegal, or you told them you would not do something illegal.
Call now 661-412-9600
Employment Lawyers Group, Bakersfield
Here is another example of how wrongful termination works. If you are fired for overloading an engine with oil that is not wrongful termination. Wrongful termination is a specific tort that involves employees who complained of something illegal, or are being fired due to protected characteristics such as a disability, pregnancy, or age. If you are in the neighborhood, or even in Taft, we are here to help. Employees who need to sue their employers for wages or wrongful termination.
#wrongfulterminationlawyer #firedwithoutgoodcause . #LOCALWAGELAWYER #SUEFORWRONGFULTERMINATION
Sometimes you have to take to the street and alleys of Bakersfield to get something done. In my case, walk back to the office after lunch.
Today I deposed four witnesses in a case in which my client, a psychiatric technician, was fired. My client questioned the staffing ratio (which was illegal under the California Code of Regulations) and complained about a non-locked door after a patient attacked him.
The Employment Lawyers Group has helped more Kern County employees than another other civil law firm. Although not a guarantee nor prediction of the outcome on your case, our Kern County recoveries far those of other law firms.
CALL 661-412-9600