Trucking between rural areas, trucking agriculture. Much, much trucking in the oil fields. Water trucks, oil tankers you name it.
Truckers have a lot of questions about when they are entitled to overtime and meal breaks. The rules are different for in-state truckers than truckers who are out of California.
Truckers who do not drive DOT regulated trucks are entitled to California meal and rest breaks. Drivers of dual axle trucks, or vehicles weighing more than 26,001 pounds are not entitled to California meal breaks if they drive on public roads. There no longer is an exception if they only drive in town. The more complicated issue is whether an employee is entitled to California meal and rest breaks if their employers makes them take them, or record them in that fashion. We have actually tried that case several times.
Being involved in a truck accident can cause serious injuries. It is important to use a real attorney for a workers compensation case involving a truck accident. Truckers depend on their backs, the ability to sit, torque, and lift roll-ups doors for their livelihood. Complicated questions arise whether an employee who is physically disabled should pursue both a civil case for FMLA or disability discrimination, or their remedy is in the workers compensation system. The Employment Lawyers Group’s experienced wrongful termination/medical disability lawyers will work directly with an attorney who took the workers compensation specialty test to determine what the best legal remedies for an injured worker.