This is the large conference room at our Bakersfield office. Today I used it to meet a number of women sexually harassed by the same restaurant manager.
#sexualharassmentlawyer #Bakersfieldsexualharassmentattorney
Besides not putting one's thoughts into writing, we all too often I see complaints that fail to mention the public policy violation. Employees may be nervous to come out and make the accusation. However, their offense to the issue is entirely minimized by a detailed complaint that fails to mention the illegal conduct they want to sue for. If you are complaining about sexual harassment make sure you mention all of the sexual harassment, even those things that are embarrassing. Standards of remediation are based upon the reported conduct. Coworker liability is based upon what the employer knows. It is important the employer be properly put on notice. In addition, if you fail to mention very serious acts of sexual harassment that will be a field day for the employment defense lawyer once we file the lawsuit. Please call us to discuss your potential case. We have dealt with all of these issues in cases, and can help even if you did not perfectly complain about sexual harassment, or save your complaint.
#workplaceinvestigationlaw #harassmentlawyer
The latest cool artwork in front of my Bakersfield office. Long day today on a sexual harassment case. This kind of stuff puts my mind in a different place.
This is the Northeast corner of my Bakersfield office. I was in the building today on a sexual harassment case. The legal community is still active this week, but I suspect next week will begin the hit and miss cycle of lawyers on vacation.
This is the 7th Floor of the Truxtun Towers built in 1975 and the 2nd highest building in Bakersfield. My floor, the 5th, has been remodeled. The hallways have been widened and the drinking fountain near the elevator removed. This is probably a closer depiction to what things looked like in 1975. A court reporter is on this floor, and I spent some time on it recently while Defendant took depositions in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Not all aspects of proving a sexual harassment case are exciting. I literally spent all day at a truck stop in Arvin deposing witnesses to aberrant sexual harassment by a general manager and assistant manager of another truck stop. Most of the day the sky was gray and the parking lot wet from an intense pressure washing. Tomorrow I will be back in Arvin!
I have a lot of Kern County clients who are truckers. Trucking between rural areas, trucking agriculture. Much, much trucking in the oil fields. Water trucks, oil tankers you name it.
Truckers have a lot of questions about when they are entitled to overtime and meal breaks. The rules are different for in-state truckers than truckers who are out of California.
I wrote a new article on sexual harassment. Besides getting sexual harassment victims maximum recoveries, winning motions on their case, asking the right questions of witnesses, and winning their trials it is important to get victims of abuse in and out of cases without the case becoming their life. Moreover, the emotions of clients suing for sexual harassment must be carefully considered by their lawyer.
#bestsexualharassmentlawyers #sueforsexualharassment