I am involved in so many construction jobs I can't even remember the circumstances surrounding this particular truck. If you're a construction work chances are I'll understand how you do your job which will help representing you in a case against your employer.
I know this is a relatively small piece of equipment in the heavy equipment industry, but drivers of even small bobcats are supposed to receive relatively high prevailing wages if they are working on a government construction site. I have even represented heavy equipment operators who are sexually harassed.
Digging grade beams next to piles with rebar sticking out is quite dangerous. Construction is a very dangerous work environment. It is no wonder accidents happen. Employees should not be afraid to complain about jobsite safety. Unfortunately I receive many calls each week from employees who believe they were fired for complaining about jobsite safety.
Job terminations due to safety complaints, or work injuries demand the attention of a qualified employee lawyer.
Back of the house hotel catering. This is the sort of place where people work, and I mean work - do real work. The sort of work that leads to work injuries, wage disputes, sexual harassment, and the legal problems I handle.