If your worksite was not safe and you either complained and got fired, suffered an injury, or were not paid for your work we would like to hear from you. Remember, we are real work lawyers who do construction when we are not representing clients. CALL 661-412-9600 TO START YOUR CASE

Jobsite injury labor attorney

Work on construction sites often leads to unpaid wages for overtime and prevailing wage.

We have also had our share of cases in which employees were not reimbursed for mileage. If your employer requires you to pick up materials in order to do the job, you are entitled to mileage reimbursement. It is also very common that the only means of communicating with a construction worker is their cell phone. If you are not being reimbursed for your cell phone use you need to contact us. Finally, prevailing wages must be paid if you work for a private construction company performing construction work on a government site.

Our labor lawyers have represented a lot of employees involved in the 58 widening project in Bakersfield. Large scale construction projects often lead to disputes about prevailing wages, work injuries, and various illegal job terminations. We're here to help the employees of Bakersfield. Call us if you are ready to bring a lawsuit against your employer.

Kern County Prevailing Rate Attorney Freeway Construction Projectsneed doctor hurt at work

Construction site accidents and pay issues are extremely serious, even if you are working on a residential construction site. Our work lawyers are here to help when you

Are ready to sue over unpaid wages such as overtime, meal breaks, or a work accident. #worklawyer #overtimeattorney

labor rights lawyer

May Day which is a day for labor rights. If you have a legal issue against your employer we are ready to help. Unpaid wages? Wrongful termination, gender harassment, and work injuries. We represent all types of employees and never charge anything up front. #MayDay #laborrightslawyer

Sue for prevailing wage

Working construction is hard work, and even harder when you don't get paid right. We've handled hundreds of cases for unpaid wages including overtime, controlled standby pay, prevailing wage, meal and rest break violations, and more for individuals or groups of employees. Even job site accidents. Experienced, no up front fees or costs. Not paid for your hard work? Hurt at work? Our lawyers help employees in all types of lawsuits against their employers. No up front fees or costs, ever.

lawyer for construction workers

A plentiful dose of hash tags: #worklawyer #constructionworkerlawyer . #Bakersfieldlaborlawyer #58Freewaywidening #overtimelawyer #constructionworkerlaw


Workplaces can be dangerous. If you complained about a dangerous workplace, or were injured at your workplace we are here for you. We have represented thousands of employees from all industries. Injured construction workers may find themselves unable to work for months. In some cases, they need to find a different career due to work injuries. It is important employees hire a competent workers compensation lawyer. The best workers compensation lawyers do not pass the case onto a nonlawyer. In addition,

there is an actual legal specialization test workers compensation lawyers can take. The workers compensation lawyer we work with is a workers compensation specialist.

construction worker attorney


Lifting these products wrong can hurt you. If your employer has subjected you to dangerous conditions causing a work injury or causing your job to end due to your complaints we are here for you. Be nice. These are not easy times for any of us.

back injury pallets, tiles

The workers compensation system can provide you with pay during the period of time you cannot work, and possibly afterwards. In addition to pay possibly at 2/3 of your normal pay, ultimate case recoveries can include gross monetary settlements and requirements that the employer cover future medical. Future medical can include a lifetime of medical treatment. Nobody works forever, it is important to maximize your earnings and that includes payments due under the workers compensation system.

All the hash tags for this kind of thing: #constructionsiteaccident #constructionworkerlawyer #unsafeworkplacelaw #worklawyer #workaccident #unsafeworkplace #workaccidentlawyers